Jesus Christ was more than a hero, more than a prophet, teacher or guru. This is not an exaggeration. It is the truth. When Christians say this, it is not to boast or make a wild claim. We say it so that people may take a second look and ponder the claim. So what if he is NOT? BUT, what if HE IS more than what the world ascribes him to be. The world tells us that he was just a good teacher. Just a good teacher???
Please do not judge Christianity by what so-called Christians have done in the past. Judge us by what Jesus Christ taught us. Jesus Christ is our standard. Look in the Bible, specifically in the New Testament. Most world religions and their teachers will command you that when you are pushed too far, you can strike back with the same force or more!! Most world religion teachers teach that if someone offends you must kill them.
On the other hand look at Jesus. He taught us to LOVE our ENEMIES. Pray for those that persecute YOU!. TURN the other CHEEK! And give to the one that ASK you, MORE than what they have other world religion figure said that!!